Dev Goetschius

P.O. Box 5431
Petaluma, CA 94955-5431
DEV GOETSCHIUS is the founding executive director of Housing Land Trust of the North Bay (, an organization that has been in partnership with cities throughout Sonoma County to produce and preserve permanently affordable, owner-occupied homes. She has over 20 years of experience in management, strategic planning, program design and fundraising for nonprofit organizations. Dev is a partner at Burlington Associates in Community Development (, the national consulting firm specializing in the development and evaluation of affordable housing policies and community land trust programs. She currently serves as a founding board member and Treasurer at the Center for Community Land Trust Innovation ( Dev holds a BA in Psychology and Spanish Literature, is a licensed Teacher of the Handicapped, she is fluent in Spanish, Hindi and Sindhi.
Jane Knodell

10 Charles Street
Burlington, VT 05401
(802) 656-4400
JANE KNODELL, Partner, is a Professor of Economics at the University of Vermont, where she teaches and conducts research on financial institutions. Jane has hands-on experience working with banks, municipal governments, and nonprofit organizations in fostering broad-based economic development.
John Emmeus Davis

52 Booth Street
Burlington, Vermont 05401
JOHN EMMEUS DAVIS, Partner, has spent over 40 years providing technical assistance to community land trusts and other nonprofit community development organizations throughout the United States. He was one of the founders of Burlington Associates in 1993. He previously worked as a community organizer and nonprofit executive director in East Tennessee and served for ten years as the city’s housing director in Burlington, Vermont under two mayors, Bernie Sanders and Peter Clavelle. He was a co-founder of the National CLT Academy (USA) and served from 2009 to 2012 as the Academy’s dean. His publications include Contested Ground (1991), The Affordable City (1994), Shared Equity Homeownership (2006), The Community Land Trust Handbook (2010), On Common Ground: International Perspectives on the Community Land Trust (2020), Community Matters (2022), and Reweaving the Tapestry of Tenure (2023). He was a co-founder of the International Center for Community Land Trusts ( in 2018 and presently serves on the Center’s board. He is editor-in-chief of the Center’s imprint, Terra Nostra Press.
Michael Brown

Michael Brown
7600 Sypes Canyon Road
Bozeman MT 59715
MICHAEL BROWN, Partner, has over 40 years of experience in community development, housing development, advocacy, and organizational development – particularly with community land trusts and other shared-equity strategies. Prior to becoming a Partner in Burlington Associates, he served as the first Executive Director of the Woodland Community Land Trust in Clairfield, Tennessee, one of the first CLTs operating in the United States, the Associate Director of the Institute for Community Economics and the founding Executive Director of the Housing Coalition in St. Cloud, Minnesota. In the past 25 years, he has logged lots of miles on the road, providing on-site technical assistance to establish and build the capacity of new and existing CLTs – services ranging from feasibility analysis and business planning to program implementation and evaluation – and to build support for CLTs from their public sector and private sector partners.
Michael Monte

115 Charlotte Street
Burlington, Vermont 05401
(802) 863-3038
MICHAEL MONTE, Partner, has worked in the community development field for over 45 years. During the course of his career, Michael has served as executive director for several nonprofit organizations and was employed by the City of Burlington (Vermont) for 19 years. For twelve of those years, he was a department director, leading Burlington’s award-winning Community and Economic Development Office. Since 2007, Michael has served as the Chief Operating and Financial Officer for the Champlain Housing Trust. Michael was appointed CEO in January, 2021. CHT is the largest community land trust in the United States with a portfolio containing over 3200 units of permanently affordable housing, both rental and homeownership, as well as community facilities, neighborhood parks, and commercial space for local businesses.
He serves on the Board of the National NeighborWorks Association, the Grounded Solutions Network and leads the CEO forum of the Housing Partnership Network. He is the Chair of HPIex, a national insurance captive that provides workers comp, health care and property and liability insurance to members of the Housing partnership Network. Michael Is a recipient of the Con Hogan Award for Creative, Entrepreneurial, Community Leadership and has been recognized for his work by the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board with the Mollie Beattie award. Michael is a graduate of Achieving Excellence, a leadership program of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and NeighborWorks America. He holds a BA degree from Goddard College.
Jeff Washburne

Everlong Consulting LLC
3613 15th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55407
(612) 619-9647
JEFF WASHBURNE, Partner, works with several community land trusts nationally. He transitioned away from the City of Lakes Community Land Trust (CLCLT) in 2023 after serving as the Director since its incorporation in November of 2002. Over the 20+ year tenure with the CLCLT the organization was able to assist over 490 low-income homeowners into the Community Land Trust homeownership with over 375 homes in trust. Through his tenure, the CLCLT grew to become the largest ownership Community Land Trust in MN and the 3rd largest nationally, creatively using the Community Land Trust in many groundbreaking ways. Over time, the CLCLT created and spun off a Commercial Land Trust, an Agricultural Land Trust and is currently working with partner organizations to establish the first African American Community Land Trust in the Twin Cities.
Prior to joining the CLCLT, he worked at Twin Cities Neighborhood Housing Services from 1997 – 2000 and 2001 – 2002, serving as the Executive Director the latter two years. Prior to his nonprofit housing experience, Jeff worked as a construction supervisor/trainer for a residential construction firm in South Korea, a YMCA Program Manager in New Mexico, and served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Honduras. He holds an M.A. in Public Administration from Hamline University and a B.A. in Psychology from DePauw University. He’s gained certificates from the Harvard Kennedy School/NeighborWorks America Achieving Excellence and the Bank of America Neighborhood Builder Leadership Programs. Over the past 25 years in Minneapolis, he has served on dozens of nonprofit boards in the community. He has lived in Minneapolis since 1997.
In Minnesota, Jeff currently serves as the contract administrator for the MN CLT Coalition, supporting the 13 community land trusts in Minnesota with advocacy, policy, technical assistance, fundraising, and coalition building. For work in Minnesota, Jeff utilizes his own consulting LLC, Everlong Consulting.
Heather Benham

Heather Benham
(706) 201-6804
HEATHER BENHAM, Associate, has over 20 years’ experience in community development. Prior to joining Burlington Associates, she served as the Executive Director of the Athens Land Trust (2013-2024), an innovative community and conservation land trust that has developed over 200 units of affordable housing and renovated over 50 low-income, owner-occupied homes while protecting over 20,000 acres of land with an emphasis on farmland and community greenspace. Her work at the organization saw growth as she raised the budget from $90,000 to over $3 million a year, a staff of 3 to 25 full-time employees, and place-based programming that included community gardens, community agriculture, a neighborhood farmers market, youth programming, housing counseling, and the development of the neighborhood advisory board structure. She started with the Athens Land Trust as an intern while earning a joint Juris Doctorate and Masters in Historic Preservation from the University of Georgia.