Listed here is a representative sample of clients who have looked to Burlington Associates for assistance in:
- Creating a neighborhood-based, city-wide, or region-wide community land trust; or
- Creating a “central server” or similar regional system to support the development and stewardship of scattered-site resale-restricted, owner-occupied housing.
Headwaters Community Housing Trust
Facilitated the creation of this new CLT based in Bozeman Montana in 2020, with the goal to create permanently affordable homeownership opportunities for middle-income working households who earn too much to qualify for available federal or state assistance but not nearly enough to be able to purchase a home in the region. Also served as HCHT’s Executive Director for the first two years of its operations (2020-2022) and coordinated the development of Bridger View, a new mixed-income neighborhood of smaller, energy-efficient homes built on smaller lots in northeast Bozeman. (headwatershousing.org)
Kaniksu Land Trust
A conservation land trust located in Sandpoint ID, Kaniksu Land Trust contacted Burlington Associates, requesting assistance to develop a community land trust to create below-market housing in the panhandle of Idaho. Assisted in assessing the feasibility of a KLT-sponsored in its 3-county service area and developing a business plan to guide the CLT’s operations from 2024-2028. Helped facilitate a collaborative agreement KLT and LEAP, an affordable housing organization based in Boise ID that operates a statewide community land trust initiative. Ground was broken in September 2024 for the first CLT homes located in Priest River ID. (kaniksu.org)
Habitat for Humanity of the Eastern Bighorns
In 2023, the City of Sheridan and Sheridan County dedicated $3 million in ARPA funds to create a local pool of permanently affordable homes and designated Habitat for Humanity of the Eastern Bighorns as the recipient of these funds and developer of these homes. Facilitated the feasibility assessment and business planning process for HFHEB and assisted the organization in designing the CLT homeownership program it now operates. (sheridanhabitat.org)
City of Aspen Colorado
In response to a city-issued RFP issued in the spring of 2024, Burlington Associates was selected by the City to assist Aspen and surrounding communities to assess the feasibility of establishing a local community land trust to fit around longstanding, municipally-sponsored affordable housing efforts in the region. If the communities determine to proceed, assistance will be provided to assist in designing, establishing, and implementing the CLT, which will likely include both residential and commercial properties.
New River Home Trust
Under contract with the City of Blacksburg VA, assisted the City, Montgomery County, and Community Housing Partners – a regional housing development organization – to assess the feasibility of establishing a countywide CLT and determine the core business assumptions on which the CLT would be established and operated. Assisted with designing the CLT’s homeownership program that, since 2023, has been operated as a program of Community Housing Partners, developing and managing the ongoing stewardship of permanently affordable homes sold to low-to-moderate-income households. (communityhousingpartners.org)
Houston Community Land Trust (Houston, TX)
At the request of the director of the City of Houston’s Housing and Community Development Department (HCDD), assist HCDD and community stakeholders to assess the feasibility of establishing and operating a local community land trust, to develop Houston CLT’s bylaws and its application to the IRS seeking 501(c)(3) charitable designation, to develop and refine an operations and business plan to guide its creation and initial operations, and to assist with its implementation and the design of its homeownership program, including its ground lease and resale formula. In operation since 2018, HCLT has nearly 200 permanently affordable homes in its portfolio. The City of Houston has committed $60 million to assist HCLT in increasing its portfolio.(houstonclt.org)
Utah Community Land Trust (Provo, UT)
Assist the Provo City Housing Authority to assess the feasibility of establishing and operating a community land trust program to operate in Provo County and beyond, to develop a business plan to guide the CLT organization’s operations, to develop UCLT’s bylaws and develop its application to the IRS seeking 501(c)(3) charitable designation, and to design its homeownership program, including the ground lease and resale formula. UCLT is expected to be operational and begin building its portfolio in early 2020.
Cass Clay Community Land Trust (Fargo, ND)
With funding from the Fargo-Moorhead Area Foundation, assist community leaders to develop a business plan to guide CCCLT’s operations and build the technical and organizational capacity of CCCLT and its homeownership program, including the ground lease and resale formula, to provide a permanent pool of affordably priced, owner-occupied homes targeted to low-income and moderate-income households in communities and cities in Cass County, North Dakota, and Clay County, Minnesota.
West Central Community Land Trust (Alexandria, MN)
With HUD technical assistance funding made available through the Minnesota Housing Partnership, assist West Central Minnesota Communities Action and community partners to assess the feasibility of establishing and operating a community land trust program to operate in its 7-county service area, to develop a business plan to guide the CLT program’s operations, and to design its homeownership program, including the ground lease and resale formula.
City of Bridges Community Land Trust (Pittsburgh, PA)
In 2015, assisted the Lawrenceville Corporation (LC) to design and establish a community land trust program in the rapidly gentrifying Lawrenceville neighborhood. Six newly-constructed homes and one rehabbed homes, the first community land trust homes in western Pennsylvania, were added to LC’s CLT program in 2016. Assisted LC and neighboring communities and jurisdictions to design and create City of Bridges CLT, a multi-neighborhood, multi-jurisdictional community land trust. (cityofbridgesclt.org)
Palmetto Community Land Trust (Charleston, SC)
With funding from the Historic Charleston and the City of Charleston, assist these entities and their community partners and stakeholders to assess the feasibility of establishing and operating a municipally-sponsored community land trust, to develop a business plan to guide its creation and initial operations, and to assist with its implementation. PCLT closed on the purchase of 48 units of affordable rental housing units in an expiring Low Income Housing Tax Credit development in November 2019. (palmettoclt.org)
Asheville Buncombe Community Land Trust (Asheville, NC)
Contract with the City of the City of Asheville and assist the City and community stakeholders to assess the feasibility of establishing and operating a local community land trust, to develop ABCLT’s bylaws and its application to the IRS seeking 501(c)(3) charitable designation, to develop a business plan to guide its creation and initial operations, and to assist with its implementation and the design of its homeownership program, including its ground lease and resale formula. (abclt.org)
Columbia Community Land Trust (Columbia, MO)
Contract with the City of Columbia and assist the City and its community partners to assess the feasibility of establishing and operating a municipally-sponsored community land trust, to develop a business plan to guide its creation and initial operations, to develop CCLT’s bylaws and its application to the IRS seeking 501(c)(3) charitable designation, and to assist with its implementation and the design of its CLT homeownership program, including the ground lease and resale formula. Columbia CLT began operations in 2018 (comolandtrust.com)
Raleigh Area Land Trust (Raleigh, NC)
In 2017 and 2018, assist Raleigh residents, nonprofit organizations and philanthropists to assess the feasibility of establishing and operating a municipally-sponsored community land trust, to develop a business plan to guide its creation and initial operations, to develop RALT’s bylaws and its application to the IRS seeking 501(c)(3) charitable designation, and to assist with its implementation. (ralt.org)
Flagstaff Townsite Historic Properties Community Land Trust (Flagstaff, Az)
In 2015 and 2016, assist neighborhood residents to apply for IRS 501(c)(3) charitable designation and develop Townsite CLT’s homeownership program and to build its capacity not only to preserve housing affordability but to preserve the historic character of its homes and of the historic Townsite neighborhood in which these homes are located. The first four award-winning 4Square cottages were added to Townsite CLT’s portfolio in 2017. (townsiteclt.org)
Atlanta Land Trust Collaborative (Atlanta, GA)
Assistance to the Atlanta Beltline Partnership in creating the blueprint for a “central server” that will seed and support neighborhood-based community land trusts along the path of the Atlanta Beltline, currently the largest urban redevelopment project in the United States.
City of Chicago (Chicago, IL)
Assistance to the City of Chicago’s Department of Housing in creating a municipally sponsored community land trust to preserve the affordability of publicly assisted, owner-occupied housing.
Community Home Trust (Carrboro, NC)
Technical support for the efforts of three town governments and three community development corporations to establish a countywide community land trust, the Orange Community Housing and Land Trust. OCHLT was later renamed the Community Home Trust.
Crescent City Community Land Trust (New Orleans, LA)
Assistance to community stakeholders in determining the most effective strategy for implementing a comprehensive community land trust strategy in New Orleans. Assistance in designing and implementing CCCLT ‘central server’ organization with three primary program areas: (1) residential; (2) commercial; and (3) vacant properties – with an overall goal of supporting neighborhood-based CLT stewardship.
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government (Lexington, KY)
Assistance to LFUCG and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet to develop a community land trust to preserve the newly developed Southend Park Urban Village neighborhood, a mix of 100+ rental and for-sale homes, institutional and commercial properties. This neighborhood is being developed as part of a state-funded highway extension project in Lexington, Kentucky.
Pima County Community Land Trust (Tucson, AZ)
Assistance with creation of a community land trust to serve the City of Tucson and Pima County, with a primary focus on preserving the affordability and condition of 70+ homes purchased and rehabbed with NSP funds, while providing assistance and support to the low-income households that own these homes. Assistance from Burlington Associates has included assessing CLT feasibility, developing a business plan, designing programs, and strategic planning.
Listed here is a representative sample of clients who have looked to Burlington Associates for assistance in:
- Grafting a community land trust program onto an existing nonprofit housing development organization; or
- Facilitating the merger of two or more nonprofit organizations.
Bucks County Habitat for Humanity
Assisted this Habitat for Humanity affiliate in Bucks County PA in 2021 to develop and implement a community land trust program it operates to permanently preserve the affordability of homes it builds and sell to low-income families. (habitatbucks.org)
Our West Bayfront
Assisted Our West Bayfront, a nonprofit neighborhood revitalization organization operating in Erie PA and its community partners – including the Erie County Land Bank – to assess the feasibility of a local partnership-based community land trust to operate in neighborhoods and communities in Erie County. Assisted with the design and implementation of the CLT’s homeownership program. (habitatbucks.org)
Central Vermont Community Land Trust & Barre Neighborhood Housing Services (Barre, VT)
Planning and facilitation for the corporate merger of two nonprofit housing development organizations and recruitment of new Executive Director for CVCLT.
Habitat for Humanity of Southern Santa Barbara County (Goleta, CA)
Assistance in planning for the creation of a community land trust subsidiary, added to the program mix for this well-established habitat affiliate.
NeighborWorks® America, Boston District Office
Facilitation of a merger of French Hill Neighborhood Services and the Greater Housing and Development Foundation in Nashua, New Hampshire.
Northern Communities Land Trust (Duluth, MN)
Assistance with organizational assessment and strategic planning, out of which emerged a staff/board decision to pursue a merger with Neighborhood Housing Services of Duluth. Early assistance was later rendered in planning for this corporate merger, which eventually resulted in creation of One Roof Community Housing.
Two Rivers Community Land Trust (Stillwater, MN)
Assessment and recommendations for transition planning – including restructuring (or merging) – a community land trust serving Washington County and Anoka County, Minnesota.
Women’s Community Revitalization Project (Philadelphia, PA)
Assistance to a 20-year-old nonprofit developer of affordable rental housing in creating the Community Justice Land Trust, established and operated as a corporate subsidiary of WCRP.
Listed here is a representative sample of clients who have looked to Burlington Associates for assistance in:
- Evaluating the performance of public policies and public programs that provide funding for affordable housing or require inclusion of affordable housing as a condition of municipal approval;
- Assessing the policies, procedures, and performance of nonprofit organizations charged with responsibility for the long-term stewardship of resale-restricted, owner-occupied housing; or
- Preparing strategic plans and business plans.
Bozeman, MT
Conduct assessment to determine how best to establish and operate a community land trust in Bozeman’s expensive and rapidly appreciating housing market. After this assessment determined that the most effective and sustainable strategy would be to incorporate and establish a new, focused community land trust organization, develop a business plan to guide the creation of the CLT entity and its operations between 2020-2024.
Houston Community Land Trust (Houston, TX)
At the request of the director of the City of Houston Housing and Community Development department – and under contract with Grounded Solutions Network – draft a preliminary 5-year business plan for a community land trust to be sponsored by the City of Houston. (2017)
Colorado Health Foundation (Denver, CO)
Preparation of a study “Evaluating the Potential for Establishing or Expanding Community Land Trust Programs in Eight Colorado Counties” (2019)
City of Lakes Community Land Trust (Minneapolis, MN)
Assist the City of Lakes CLT to explore the feasibility of establishing and operating a commercial community land trust initiative to preserve the availability and affordability of commercial space for minority businesses in north Minneapolis.
5-Year CLT Business Plans (to name a few)
- Headwaters Community Land Trust
- Kaniksu Land Trust
- Habitat for Humanity of the Eastern Bighorns
- Our West Bayfront
- Bucks County Habitat for Humanity
- Palmetto Community Land Trust, Charleston SC
- Cass Clay Community Land Trust, Fargo ND
- Raleigh Area Land Trust, Raleigh NC
- Utah Community Land Trust, Provo UT
- West Side Community Land Trust, Charlotte NC
- Uniondale Community Land Trust, Uniondale NY
- Columbia Community Land Trust, Columbia MO
Women’s Community Revitalization Project (Philadelphia, PA)
Facilitation of a board & staff planning process and drafting of a pair of three-year strategic plans (2015-2018; 2019-2022).
Urban Land Conservancy (Denver, CO)
Preparation of a “Feasibility Study & Business Plan for a Proposed Community Land Trust Program Serving Denver’s Globeville, Elyria and Swansea Neighborhoods” (2017).
Atlanta Land Trust (Atlanta, GA)
Preparation of a business plan covering the period of July 1, 2016 – December 31, 2019
City of Denver (Denver, CO)
Critical evaluation of the legislative requirements and administrative procedures for regulating the eligibility, occupancy, and affordability of moderately-priced dwelling units created through Denver’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance.
MacArthur Foundation & City of Chicago (Chicago, IL)
Research and report on “options and issues” involved in sponsoring, organizing, and operating a citywide community land trust.
Minnesota CLT Coalition (Minnesota)
Assistance to help a statewide coalition of existing and developing CLTs to identify, implement and promote “best practices.” Facilitation of strategic planning process to determine future organizational structure and workplan.
NeighborWorks® America (Washington, DC)
Evaluation of NeighborWorks’ national program that provides operating grants to members of the NeighborWorks network.
Recommendations for revising the underwriting criteria and simplifying the process for awarding these operating grants.
Vermont Department of Housing & Community Affairs (Montpelier, VT)
Design and facilitation of an eight-month, state-wide planning process, evaluating and redesigning the Vermont Community Development Program, the administrative vehicle for distributing CDBG funds.
Listed here is a representative sample of clients who have looked to Burlington Associates for assistance in:
- Assessing the feasibility of proposed housing projects and preparing development pro forma;
- Negotiating and drafting funding agreements and development agreements; or
- Educating private lenders, public funders, and property appraisers about various models of resale-restricted, owner-occupied housing.
Athens Land Trust (Athens, GA)
Assistance with CLT ground lease development, project financing and permanent mortgage financing for CLT homebuyers.
Bridger View
While providing executive management of Headwaters Community Housing Trust from 2020-2022, a community land trust based in Bozeman MT, coordinated the development of this new, mixed-income neighborhood in northeast Bozeman. 62 new, highly-energy-efficient smaller (750-1,575 SF) homes were built on smaller lots in this well-designed, walkable, pocket neighborhood. 31 of the 1BR, 2BR, and 3BR homes were sold fee simple at market-rate prices, while the remaining 31 homes – identical in every way and scattered throughout the 8-acre neighborhood – were sold at roughly 50% of their market values to qualifying, middle-income working households. These homes for middle-income households will be kept permanently affordable by HCHT. This new neighborhoods serves as a model for higher-density, more energy-efficient and resource-saving development than is typically being built in the Gallatin Valley. (bridgerview.org)
Central Minnesota Housing Partnership (St. Cloud, MN)
Assistance to CMHP and the Central Minnesota Community Land Trust, a CMHP subsidiary, in designing a 30 single-family for-sale homes in an award-winning, mixed-income, Traditional Neighborhood Design community known as “Heritage Greens.”
Greater Iowa City Housing Fellowship (Iowa City, IA)
Assistance with educating appraisers about appraisal methodologies for valuing resale-restricted, owner-occupied housing on leased land.
North Missoula CDC (Missoula, MT)
Training of new staff in project development fundamentals; assistance with identifying and obtaining appropriate project financing resources; assistance with design and implementation of CLT condominium program.
Sawmill Community Land Trust (Albuquerque, NM)
Planning and preparation of development pro formas for the residential and commercial redevelopment of a 27-acre inner-city site previously owned by the City of Albuquerque.
Assistance in developing a marketing plan for the sale of Sawmill’s first resale-restricted, owner-occupied housing.
Thistle Community Housing (Boulder, CO)
Assistance in developing a mixed-income 198-unit homeownership project in Longmont, Colorado, divided among two condo associations and a co-housing regime. Assistance resolving ground lease and resale formula issues and negotiating the sale of CLT mortgages to Fannie Mae.
Listed here is a representative sample of clients who have looked to Burlington Associates for assistance in:
- Assessing the feasibility of office buildings, service centers, retail space, or urban farming sites being developed by nonprofit organizations;
- Planning for the development of neighborhood commercial districts; or
- Planning for the redevelopment of downtown waterfronts.
Champlain Housing Trust (Burlington, VT)
Development assistance and construction oversight for three commercial buildings, eventually occupied by Vermont Legal Aid, the Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf, and the Burlington Community Land Trust (the precursor to CHT). Assistance in developing a “Multigenerational Center” containing services for seniors and children’s daycare.
Japantown (San Francisco, CA)
Assistance to Japantown Task Force and Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California and community stakeholders in assessing the feasibility of establishing a community land trust to help preserve the cultural and historical integrity of the Japantown community through acquisition and preservation of key commercial properties and other community assets in Japantown. Assistance with developing a business plan identifying the mission and business model, the corporate structure and the organizational operating plan for Japantown Community Land Trust.
National Gardening Association (Burlington, VT)
Assistance in planning and developing a new corporate headquarters.
Sawmill Community Land Trust (Albuquerque, NM)
Planning for commercial development and job-intensive economic development on an inner-city site.